Sunday, July 4, 2010

Learning Spanish

Well, it's been a month since I wrote anything. During that time we've been extremely busy. We decided that the four of us would take a semester of college Spanish in a five-week period during the summer. That meant driving to Reno four nights a week, sitting in class for two and a half hours, and driving home. Tack that on to whatever else we were doing each day, and it doesn't leave much time for anything else.

The class only had eleven students, so we got pretty comfortable with each other during the class. Believe it or not, our instructor was adopted from Colombia when she was 16 months old. She was a great encouragement to us throughout the class and we appreciated her work in helping us pick up the language.

Spanish class ended on July 1st - and it appears that all the Starks received A's for the class. I think it's provided us a great foundation for talking with Yamile and for our time in Colombia.

Because of where we are in the adoption process, we think we're going to "pass" on the second semester (and another five weeks of busy life) of Spanish. We'll continue to work on the language on our own and our girls are very motivated to continue on officially and receive more college credit. We need to use our time to continue our adoption preparation.

1 comment:

  1. congratulations for getting all A's! your hard work of studying in the car has paid off :)
