(This is Geof writing this time.) We were able to meet with Martha (our contact person here in Colombia) this evening and received good news. The Registry system is back online and we should be receiving Laura's new birth certificates (listing us as her parents) tomorrow. (Thank you to those who prayed on our behalf. God is sovereign over ALL things and the prayers of the righteous avail much.) The whirlwind now begins over the next few days.
Tomorrow afternoon we visit the doctor for a physical and to make sure Laura has all the immunizations she needs to come to the United States. If not, she may be receivng some immunizations tomorrow. She's not a big fan of shots (who is?), so we're hoping everything is up-to-date and she will be saved the "trauma" tomorrow.
If I remember correctly, Friday we will be getting a new Colombian ID card and applying for a Colombian passport, both listing Stark as her last name. With the passport in hand, we head to the U.S. Embassy on Monday (why can't they be open on weekends, anyway?). We hope to receive her visa that allows her to travel to the United States on that day. If all proceeds well, we hope to fly home on Tuesday or Wednesday.
We very much covet your prayers. While praying for the above-noted events and their speed completion, pray for us that we would be satisfied with God's perfect plan and His timing for everything - God's place at God's pace.
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