Monday, April 22, 2013


We just received the phone call we've been waiting for, on Sunday evening!!  We are scheduled for sentencia this morning.  I, Lenna, will go this time to do the honors.  For those of you who might not know, sentencia is the judge's sentence that Laura is legally our daughter.  The plan is that I will go with our translator and sign the papers, and Geof and the girls will hang out here.  Last time, it was pretty quick.  This time we don't know what to expect.  But if all goes as planned, we will be winging our way to Bogota on Tuesday. 

Now, I know the question in everyone's what's next, and when are we coming home?  What's next is that we spend a week or so in Bogota doing everything we are required to do in order to bring Laura out of the country with us.  That includes TB tests, awaiting a new birth certicificate, visiting the embassy doctor, getting her visa...those sorts of things.  We'll keep you posted!!  Today is a special day.  Today, we gain a new daughter!!!

Passing the time at a local park that has workout equipment.

The day was breezy, "cool", and beautiful.

The trees here are so interesting.  I'm not sure what kind this one is, but it's beautiful.There are also many mango trees here, much like you see orange trees in California.  We have to step around all the fallen fruit on the ground.

Laura likes flowers, and when she saw this patio garden she insisted I take a picture.

We stayed up into the wee hours of the mornig trying to finish the puzzle.  Just can't get that far and then have to pack it all back into the suitcase!  Gotta finish it!!!

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